St. Johns C of E Primary School

St. Johns C of E Primary School

Our Uniform We are very proud of the high standards of dress of our children.

There is a school uniform that we believe gives the children a feeling of belonging to the school; it looks smart and is practical too. Please ensure that your child’s name is clearly visible on all items of clothing


Grey/black skirt, pinafore or trousers

White polo shirt or white blouse

Navy school sweatshirt/cardigan

Blue gingham dresses in summer (if preferred)


Grey/black shorts or trousers     Boys Pull Up Trousers starting from 18 months

White polo shirt or white shirt

Navy school sweatshirt

Children should wear sensible, preferably black, school shoes – not trainers. Girls’ shoes should have a strap or laces to secure them. Heels should be low. Summer sandals should also be securely fastened to the feet (no flip-flops or mules). Sandals need not be black.

For PE children

White T-shirt,

black shorts and plimsolls/trainers.

For outdoor games children require training shoes.

We strongly discourage the wearing of jewellery. If a child has pierced ears, please ensure that plain studs only are worn at school. Other types of earrings can be dangerous at playtimes and during PE. Children will be required to remove all jewellery before PE. If they cannot do this themselves, please ensure they do not wear jewellery on PE days. The wearing of watches is encouraged as it helps children to practise telling the time.


2 Years
3 – 4 Years
5 – 6 Years
7 – 8 Years
9 – 10 Years
11 – 12 Years
13 Years
X Large
XX Large

Please visit our ‘How to Measure Guide’ for further information on sizing and fit.


  • Select the items you wish to order (only one school per order)
  • When complete, click on ‘View Basket’
  • There are 2 delivery options:
    1. Collect from the School (this option is available during term time only): £2.50
    2. Collect from Simply First (no charge, collections are by prior appointment only from our new address at The Emboidery Pod, Container Self Storage, Block B Industrial Estate, Mark Street, Sandiacre, NG10 5AD)
  • Confirm your preferred delivery option and click on ‘Proceed to Checkout’.
  • Enter your name, Phone number and email address, check your order details and click on ‘Place Order’.
  • You will immediately receive an email confirming the details of the order you have just placed. Simply First will follow up with your invoice and delivery details. If you do not receive an invoice within one working day, please let us know.
  • Payment for this invoice is strictly from the date sent to the stated due date. Payment is due on receipt of the invoice been received, any invoice not paid will be cancelled, as priority is given to all paid orders.
  • Please use your ORDER NAME and INVOICE NUMBER as your payment reference.